08 January 2025banking & finance salary guide singapore 2025: market trends & hiring outlook for employers.workforce trendsresearch and reportsbanking and financial services industrylabour market trendssalary benchmarkstalent acquisitiondigital transformationemployee retention
03 October 2023how technology is redefining the future of work: white paper 2023.talent managementworkforce trendsemployer brandresearch and reportsinfographicsdigital transformation
11 April 2023digital jobs take up 11% of singapore's online job market: randstad-OECD report.employer brandresearch and reportsIT industrysales and marketing sectorlabour market trendstalent acquisitiondigital transformation
11 May 2022remote onboarding is here to stay, here's how to get it right.workforce trendsdigital transformationemployee experienceemployee retention
04 May 20225 digital platforms to build and boost your employer brand. workforce trendsresearch and reportsrandstad employer brand researchtech and touchCOVID-19digital transformationemployee experience
04 January 20222022 market outlook: banks and financial firms are staying ahead via digital transformation.workforce trendsresearch and reportsaccounting and finance sectorbanking and financial services industrytalent acquisitiondigital transformation
20 October 2021are you equipped to recruit in a virtual environment?workforce trendsHR technologytalent acquisitiondigital transformation
22 September 2021blue suite: a digital-first talent strategy to transform the insurance industry.workforce trendsinsurance industryblue suitedigital transformation
20 September 2021disrupt learning and development: upskilling the future workforce.workforce trendsresearch and reportslearning and developmentrandstad employer brand researchdigital transformation
07 January 2021market outlook: digital transformation to drive tech hiring in 2021.workforce trendsresearch and reportsIT industrydigital transformation