25 April 202353% of singaporeans believe they are not fairly compensated at work - salary and bonus expectations survey 2023.employee satisfactionworkforce trendsresearch and reportsinfographicssalary benchmarksemployee benefits
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10 October 2022global technology report 2022: employer brand research.employee retentionemployee satisfactionworkforce trendsresearch and reportsinfographicsIT industryrandstad employer brand researchemployee experiencework-life balance
04 October 202231% of gen X workers in singapore fear job loss: 2022 employer brand research.employee retentionemployee satisfactionhr trendsrecruitment processskills shortagetalent acquisitionworkforce managementtalent managementworkforce trendsemployer brandresearch and reportsinfographicslabour market trendslearning and developmentrandstad employer brand researchemployee experienceemployee retention