20 September 2021disrupt learning and development: upskilling the future workforce.workforce trendsresearch and reportslearning and developmentrandstad employer brand researchdigital transformation
15 September 2021candidate market outlook 2021: banking and financial services industry.workforce trendsresearch and reportsaccounting and finance sectorbanking and financial services industrycandidate experience
13 September 2021the hybrid workplace is the future of work: employers agree.workforce trendsresearch and reportsleadership and managementemployee experience
06 September 2021the future of work is remote: white paper 2021.workforce trendsresearch and reportsinfographicsleadership and managementlearning and developmentwork-life balance
16 August 202158% of singapore respondents confident of having more job opportunities in 2021.workforce trendsresearch and reportslabour market trendsCOVID-19
14 July 202132% of respondents want employers to support their upskilling and re-skilling.workforce trendsresearch and reportslabour market trendstalent acquisition
28 April 20216 ways we help logistics firms succeed in 2021 and beyond.workforce trendssupply chain and logistics industryperformance management
25 March 2021manufacturing recruitment: challenges and opportunities.workforce trendsresearch and reportsmanufacturing industrylabour market trendstalent acquisition
22 March 2021flexibility@work 2021: embracing change.workforce trendsresearch and reportslabour market trends
08 March 2021market outlook: banking and financial services industry sees pick up in hiring.workforce trendsresearch and reportsaccounting and finance sectorbanking and financial services industrylabour market trendstalent acquisition