In today’s evolving workplace, a sense of belonging has emerged as a critical factor for employee engagement and retention.
According to our 2025 Workmonitor survey, 62% of respondents in Singapore would leave their jobs if they didn’t experience a sense of belonging at work. Gen Z workers find this issue especially important, with 67% stating they would consider resigning if they didn’t receive this benefit.
Randstad - the world’s largest talent agency - today released its 2025 Workmonitor research in Singapore. The study surveyed 750 talent locally and identified that a positive workplace community is the foundation of employee engagement for higher productivity, happier employees, and cost-savings for companies.
The survey found that 21% of respondents have quit a job because they did not have any friends at work. This is especially true for both Gen Z and Millennial workers, as 25% reported leaving their jobs due to the lack of community.
62% would quit their jobs if they didn’t experience a sense of belonging at work
workplace friendships drive happiness and productivity, while saving costs for employers
The survey highlights the importance of workplace relationships, revealing that 84% of respondents consider some colleagues as friends, and 73% continue to socialise with them outside of work. These connections are not only integral to employee motivation, but they’re also significant drivers of workplace productivity.
Almost all of the respondents said that they are able to perform better at work if they feel a sense of community and feel that they know their colleagues.
Employees are naturally motivated to excel at work when surrounded by strong social support. Employers also benefit from supporting the growth of workplace communities, as they will be able to attract and retain top talent with greater ease, rather than entering costly price wars during recruitment.
Interestingly, 43% of workers say they wouldn't mind earning less money if they had good friends at work. 45% would also accept a lower salary if their work contributed to their social lives, showcasing the tangible value employees place on workplace connections.
43% wouldn't mind earning less money if they had good friends at work
trust gap threaten talent attraction & retention
Despite the importance of workplace community, only 49% of respondents trust their employers to create a thriving culture. This trust gap is more pronounced among Gen Z workers, with just 37% expressing confidence in their employers.
Leaders have a pivotal role to play in building trust at the workplace, where a culture of trust can be a powerful magnet for attracting talent. Today, employers have the onus to empower employees to trust in their leadership, creating an environment where successes can be celebrated and differences are valued.
1 in 4 respondents still hide aspects of themselves at work, particularly the younger generations
1 in 4 respondents reported quitting their jobs because they felt compelled to hide aspects of themselves at work. This sentiment is particularly strong among younger generations - 37% of Gen Z and 35% of Millennials have left jobs due to this issue compared to only 16% of Gen Xers and 13% of Baby Boomers.
The survey further revealed that 26% of respondents left jobs because they did not feel comfortable sharing personal views without fear of judgment or discrimination. As younger generations navigate the working world, they may feel pressured to conform to traditional norms, fearing that expressing their honest opinions and true selves might hinder career growth.
The survey highlights a pressing need for employers to foster more inclusive and authentic workplaces to attract younger generations of talent and foster future leaders.
49% trust their employers to create a thriving culture at work
download the randstad singapore 2025 workmonitor report
Fostering meaningful relationships and creating inclusive environments are essential for attracting and retaining talent in Singapore’s competitive labor market. Employers who prioritise building trust and cultivating workplace friendships stand to benefit from higher productivity, happier employees and improved talent retention.
For more insights into workforce trends and strategies for creating inclusive and engaging workplaces, download Randstad Singapore’s 2025 Workmonitor report.
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