“Work-life balance” remains firmly on top as the most important employer value proposition (EVP) driver Singaporeans look for in their ideal employers.

randstad singapore 2024 employer brand research report
randstad singapore 2024 employer brand research report

The annual employer brand research shows a year-on-year analysis of how workforce expectations have changed, which we leverage to guide employers on how they can successfully attract talent in a highly-competitive talent marketplace. 

Our latest survey reinforces a growing trend in Singapore - talent prioritises workplaces that champion growth, inclusion and well-being. 

Despite the rising costs of living, employees are looking beyond just salaries, seeking strong non-monetary factors like work-life balance, job security and equity.

Work-life balance is also the top reason why people resign from their jobs. In the survey, 41% of respondents who resign from their jobs seek to improve their work-life balance, followed by 36% who want higher pay to cope with the rising cost of living in Singapore.

75% of singaporeans feel the impact of AI on their jobs: how can employers help?

Approximately 30% of respondents are already using AI every day or frequently at work, especially the younger generations. However, the same number of respondents (30%) said that they have never used AI tools in their work. 

lack of AI exposure in singapore
lack of AI exposure in singapore

Notably, there are significant generational disparities regarding AI use at work. The use of AI is also particularly low among Gen Xers (14%) and Baby Boomers (8%), highlighting the need for greater digital support and training amongst the older workforce.

In Singapore, 75% of respondents said that AI has already impacted their jobs at varying levels. Gen Z (80%) are the most likely to feel the impact of AI, followed by Millennials (78%), Baby Boomers (72%) and Gen Xers (71%). 

how has AI impacted your job?

I expect to lose my job because of AI 4%
AI has already impacted my job
AI has made a considerable impact on my job
AI has made a little impact on my job
AI has made no impact at all on my job
I don't know

The rise of AI at the workplace is exciting, but it’s also natural for employees to have questions about its impact on their careers. Consequently, we also found that the demand for upskilling and re-skilling has increased significantly, suggesting that Singaporeans are aware that development is the key to growth and security.

It is crucial for employers to continuously invest in AI literacy programmes and foster open communications about the impact of AI to ensure that talent remains adaptable to changes.

In 2024, 82% of respondents said that re-skilling is important, marking an increase of 13% from 2023.

singaporeans expect more upskilling support from employers
singaporeans expect more upskilling support from employers

However, employers are only providing employees with marginally more development opportunities, increasing by 7% last year to 61% in 2024. Gen Zers (64%) and Millennials (68%) report having sufficient career development, in stark contrast to Gen X (44%).

In a strained labour market, workers who do not receive enough opportunities to develop in their roles are more inclined to leave (44%) than those who received them (33%).

reducing the gender gap for a more equitable and effective work environment

To reflect the expectations of the modern workforce, Randstad included "equity" in the list of EVP factors in the annual analysis this year. It is defined as "offering employees equal opportunities regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, etc".

Interestingly, "equity" debuted as the 3rd EVP that is important to Singaporeans from a list of 10.

However, survey data found a gap between diversity and true inclusion, as 40% of respondents in Singapore consider themselves a minority at work due to varying reasons. 

gender inequality persists in singapore companies
gender inequality persists in singapore companies

Approximately half of all respondents in Singapore said that they face career advancement barriers, with a surprising gender disparity. Males are 11% more likely than females to feel that they face career roadblocks due to their identity, with 54% reporting such experiences.

Furthermore, those who identify as a minority at work are 20% more likely to feel they have faced obstacles in their career progression due to their identity, highlighting a potential need for stronger inclusion initiatives alongside efforts promoting equal opportunity.

do you agree with these statements about diversity, inclusion and equity?

female male gender gap
at my organisation, the best opportunities go to the most deserving employees
my unique attributes, characteristics, skills, experience and background are valued in my organisation
I have faced obstacles in my career progression in this organisation which I believe are due to who I am
senior managers are fair when it comes to reskilling and upskilling opportunities of those that report to them
my organisation provides equal pay for equal work
senior managers are fair when it comes to hiring or career advancements of those that report to them

At Randstad, equity is central to our workforce commitment. Addressing inequality at work is not just good business sense, but the right thing to do. 

Our research and engagement with talent consistently highlight the importance of promoting inclusion and equal opportunity to improve a company's attractiveness to talent who share the same values for a richly engaged workplace culture. This includes fostering open dialogues, implementing skills-based hiring, developing well-rounded talent and ensuring communication transparency.

get your free digital report: 2024 employer brand research report 

Randstad - the world’s largest talent company - today revealed its complete findings of the 13th annual Employer Brand Research in Singapore. Conducted by Kantar TNS in January 2024, the study surveyed 173,000 respondents around the world, including 2,602 individuals in Singapore, making it the world’s most comprehensive employer branding research based on general talent perceptions. 

The report features more in-depth data about the research that can help organisations and employers shape their employer branding strategies. Fill in the form below for more workforce trend analysis that can guide you towards a more successful employer brand strategy. 

connect with us for more in-depth talent insights

At Randstad, we conduct comprehensive market research to uncover talent insights and trends to support employers in developing and executive talent attraction strategies to find top talent in Singapore.

Connect with our specialist talent consultants for more in-depth insights customised to your organisation or simply let us know your hiring requirements and we’ll get in touch with you.

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